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The Israeli Opera 2015

Don Giovanni

An encounter between Mediterranean culture in ancient Acre and Austrian culture in Mozart’s time. These two cultures collide in Dedi Baron's modern interpretation of the classic opera: Don Giovanni is a rockstar and his servant Leporello obsessively documents him on camera.


Much of the video footage was created using local non-actors, filmed in a studio constructed upon the stage of the Israeli Opera. Their faces are transformed into animal faces, blurring their original identity.


The video focuses on megalomaniac documentation. It creates reflexive moments that shatter traditional interpretations of this wonderful opera.


Libretto: Lorenzo Da Ponte

Conductor: Daniel Cohen

Director: Dedi Baron

Costume and set designer: Dana Tzarfati

Light designer: Keren Garnek

Don Giovanni: Oded Reich

Leporello: Yair Polishuk

Don Ottavio: Ethan Drori

Il Commendatore: Yakov Strijack

Masetto: Gabriel Lubenheim

Donna Anna: Eftrat Ashkenazi

Donna Elvira: Naama Goldman

Zerlina: Ela Vasilevsky

Ensemble: Moran Singers

The Israeli Chamber Orchestra

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